Real Time Spy PRO has been removed from Google Play by Google because
they feel that it is a "spy" app. There will be no future versions of this
app available on Google Play. Another app of ours, Follow Me Follow You, is
still available and is the same program with just different marketing branding.
You must read
this PDF
to properly use this app
You can find the PDF on your PC or MAC at
If you are having trouble with this app please contact us at or just hit this link to send us an email from your phone now --> SEND EMAIL
For complete instructions on all our apps, go to
Troubleshooting . . .
Did you install FlashBeacon on the target phone you are trying to locate? After installing FlashBeacon on that phone did you follow the FlashBeacon setup instructions in the RealTimeSpy.PDF?
Did you "test for Connection" on the Settings page?
Did you enter the same key into the Settings page in this program as was entered into the FlashBeacon setup procedure?
The target phone or your phone might not be getting an internet data signal - try again later.
The target phone might be turned off or in deep sleep or have low battery or be in airplane mode - try again later.
If nothing works, send us an email. We will get it working!